

I just finished reading Shaman Warrior. A 6 volume manhwa from Park Joong Ki. Who has just become one of my favorite new artists. Now, I'm about to use my big words to talk about this book so hang on to your knickers. Shaman Warrior first caught my eye with its dazzling watercolor cover of the the wolf-endowed shaman Yarong, the androgynous looking and fated warrior of book one. This series was amazing. Sprawling Korean landscapes. Gorgeous, detatiled character art and non-stop action that didn't disapoint for 200 pages. Any fan of burdened warrior epics, like myself, should check this out. Though I may be a bit late to the table with this one since it has 6 volumes out and you all might have read most of it already.

My only hang up is the translation. But perhaps I'm missing the mark on this one since I can't read Korean and the dialogue is a straight trans. The dialogue in parts is a bit awkward and sometimes I was waiting for some dude to yell "warriors 4 ever!" Wink. Nod. And scuttle off. But that didn't happen.

So check it out. A definite fun read and the book is sprinkled with Park Joong-Ki's original character designs.

The above drawing is my fan art of Batu. Yarong's faithfull apprentice. Straight brush on paper.